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    Foods good for the brain and bad for the brain

    Brain food
    Brain health is the most important concern for people in the age 100. Eating healthy brain food and avoiding unhealthy brain food will help you a lot.

    Remember five good things for your brain.

    Raw nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, and peanuts, which are made of raw food.
    It is helpful to eat a small amount of raw nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and peanuts every day to improve brain health. Nuts have good effects on brain health have already been reported in studies with the Mediterranean diet at its center. Since calories are high, it is better to eat something that is not salty enough.

    Raw nuts like walnuts and almonds are good food for your brain.

    Food 2 — Low in Protein and White Meat
    If you are considering brain health, you should try to eat a small amount of white meat with a lot of protein and little fat like chicken breast. Professor Kim ChI-kyung said, " Koreans eat more carbohydrates such as rice, which increases their risk of metabolic syndrome due to the increased risk of neutral fat, " and added, " Excessive intake of carbohydrates is related to obesity, diabetes. To reduce your intake of carbohydrates and increase your intake of protein, even though it may not taste good enough, it is advisable to eat only a small amount of white meat with no fat.

    Food 3 — Green & Yellow Vegetables
    For brain health, it is good to remember green and yellow vegetables. These days, many people eat chemically prepared health supplements to take vitamins or minerals. However, the most effective and safe food for humans is the food that humans consume over a long period of time as validated. Brown-white vegetables, rich in vitamins and minerals, can help keep the nerves and blood vessels healthy through antioxidant effects. However, it is not advisable to eat too many green and yellow vegetables. Moreover, some patients with cerebrovascular diseases may have interaction with medications.

    Blue fish such as mackerel and saury are considered good brain foods.
    Blue fish, such as mackerel and saury
    DHA and EPA, two components of omega-3 fatty acids, are the same components that nerve cells surround the membrane in brain cells. Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for activation of brain function and normal brain activity, and help stabilize blood flow in the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids are an unsaturated fatty acid form that is not produced in the body and must be consumed as food. Representative food that contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids is blue-backed fish such as mackerel and saury

    Fruits and vegetables in various colors
    Because the brain is high in fat and uses a lot of oxygen and glucose, it is easy to be oxidized by active oxygen. When the endocellular membrane fat is oxidized, glucose transport is not successful and the function of releasing neurotransmitter is not shown. Therefore, antioxidants can help prevent free radical oxygen and protect the cell membrane by preventing aging and helping the body recover damaged cells. Antioxidants include vitamins A&C, E, Corcuten and selenium, which are found in fruits and vegetables. Eating tomatoes, apples, carrots, broccoli, and bell peppers is recommended.

    Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins so they are good for the brain.

    Be careful of three things that are bad for your brain.

    Food 1 — Excessive Animal Fat & Trans Fat
    Professor Kim ChI-kyung said, " Excessive consumption of animal and trans fats results in direct damage to the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain, preventing the blood supply to the brain and from running smoothly. " Calories of animal and trans fats disturb the body's metabolism, which increases the occurrence of obesity, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. Animal and trans fats also cause problems with the regulatory centers that govern brain diet. If you eat too much, your brain can not feel full even after overeating, overeating, or eating too many calories, therefore, it is highly possible that you will have a wrong diet.

    Food 2 — Refined Rice & Flour
    Excessive refining makes fiber go away and white starch flour is also bad for the brain. Bacteria-free white rice flour dissolves easily and is absorbed, and its blood sugar levels rapidly rise.
    When it rises too high, the pancreas releases too much insulin. Then, insulin action breaks and glucose is not absorbed properly in the blood even if intake of carbohydrates occurs
    Brain activity is failing.

    Food 3 — Excessive sugar, candy, etc.
    It is advisable to avoid excessive intake of sugar, candy, and other sugars for brain health. Koreans generally maintain a high carb diet. When excessive intake of sugar is added, such substances are converted into neutral fat, which adversely affects the blood vessels in the brain. Too much sugar also destroys the regulatory centers that govern the diet of the brain.

    TIP Is Poison for Brain If You Eat Too Much
    In this day and age of over-nutrition, it is not right to eat anything too much. Excessive intake of food, particularly when it is considered to be " tasty, " causes addiction in the brain, which results in overeating and overeating. As a result, it is the main cause of obesity and arteriosclerosis, which adversely affects the brain and brain vessels. Professor Kim ChI-kyung said, " Daily foods that are likely to be eaten for brain health are basically ones that can benefit the brain and the blood vessels, " adding, " Try to take small portions of these foods. "