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    10 incorrect shower habits we don't know about

    1. Do not wash feet.
    When I take a shower, I wash my body thoroughly, but I don't think some of you do. In any case, soap often thinks it will wash down the bridge, forget it, or forget it. But since our feet are infested with germs, it is advisable to shower and clean them thoroughly between the soles of our feet and the toes.

    2. Wash your hair every day.
    Those with long, thin hair that are washed two or three times a week rather than every day of washing their hair have natural oils on their scalp to balance the moisture in the scalp.

    3. Take a long, hot shower.
    Hot water can cause various skin problems as it can remove moisture and oil from the skin and make the body dry. It is recommended to take a shower with lukewarm water rather than hot water within 10 minutes.

    4. Leave the shower ball in the bathroom.
    If you take a shower and leave the shower in the bathroom, the dead cells in your skin will remain in the shower, and germs will grow. Therefore, it is advisable to wash the shower ball thoroughly before drying it in a dry area.

    5. Do not wash off the soap bubble when you shower.
    The body wash product includes an ' surfactant ' that removes oils that are protective of your skin. It is therefore recommended that when choosing a body product, the product and surfactant are not included in it as much as possible. Also, you should wash it thoroughly to avoid the soap bubble. This is because when there is foam on the skin, the skin becomes more dry.

    6. After taking a shower, rub wet body hard with a towel.
    If you dry yourself hard with a towel after taking a shower, your skin can become sensitive. Therefore, it is better to pat away any remaining water from your body with a towel or to dry it naturally.

    7. Don't put cold water on it.
    It would be healthy to spray your body with cold water for 30 seconds before you finish the shower. Taking a cold shower can do wonders for your body, including stress prevention, boosting the immune system and fat combustion, and easing depression.

    8. shampoo and roll
    Washing your hair with a towel after washing your hair for convenience can cause hair damage. Therefore, it is advisable to gently remove the water with a dry towel and to dry it slowly with cold winds.

    9. Do not take shower immediately after exercising.
    I'm sure some of you are tired after exercising and don't take a shower right away. If you exercise and do not take a shower, sweat can stay on your skin and cause germs. It is recommended to take a shower as you may experience hives or rashes.

    10. Do not apply body lotion right after taking a shower.
    After taking a shower, it is advisable to moisturize yourself while you are wet. You'd better use a towel to drain your body slightly and then apply lotion. Failure to properly moisturize will cause moisture to evaporate in the skin, making the skin drier.